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Book reviewed in this articles: Small Industry in Malaysia. By Chee Peng Lim . The Indonesian Interisland Shipping Industry: An Analysis of Competition and Regulation. By H.W. Dick . The Political Economy of Manufacturing Protection: Experiences of ASEAN and Australia. Edited by Christopher Findlay and Ross Garnaut . The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development. By Graeme J. Hugo , Terence H. Hull , Valerie J. Hull and Gavin W. Jones . Southeast Asian Affairs 1986. The Forest Resources of Malaysia: Their Economics and Development. By Raj Kumar . Rural China Today. By Frank Leeming . Organizations and Growth in Rural China. By Marsh Marshall . China's Agricultural Modernization: The Socialist Mechanization Scheme. By Tam On Kit . ASEAN-Australia Trade in Manufactures. By David Lim . Trade, Employment and Industrialization in Singapore. By Linda Lim and Pang Eng Fong . Central Government and Local Development in Indonesia. Edited by Colin Mac Acandrews . Industrial Policies for Pacific Economic Growth. Edited by Hiromichi Mutoh , Sueo Sekiguchi , Kotaro Suzumura and Ippei Yamazawa . The Lion and the Mouse? Japan, Asia and Thailand. Edited by Pasuk Phongpaichit , Busaba Kunasirin , and Buddhagarn Rutchatorn . Hong Kong's Financial Institutions and Markets. Edited by Robert Hanley Scott K.A. Wong and Yan Ki Ho . Off-Farm Employment in the Development of Rural Asia. Edited by R.T. Shand . Fertility in Asia: Assessing the Impact of Development Projects. Edited by John Stoeckel and Anrudh K. Jain. A Question of Class: Capital, the State, and Uneven Development in Malaya. By Jomo Kwame Sundaram. The Economics of Integrated Pest Control in Rice: A Case Study from the Philippines. By Hermann Waibel. China: Long-term Development Issues and Options. A World Bank Country Report.
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