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Applying complexity theory to explain partner cooperation: The role of transaction cost‐related factors and elements of relational exchanges
Abstract:Using complexity theory, we seek to better understand the configurations of causal factors stimulating joint ventures' cooperation in Chinese manufacturing context. To this end, we adopt two dominant perspectives of transaction cost economics and relational exchange theory to identify transaction cost‐related factors and elements of relational exchanges as critical factors in joint ventures' cooperation. We apply fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis on a sample of 268 joint venture partners to test research propositions. The findings indicate a need for competence trust and goodwill trust and also show that extorting rent cost should be emphasized. Results reveal those six configurations of causal factors that explain high intention to cooperate. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:configuration  cooperation  elements of relational exchanges  transaction cost‐related factors  joint venture  China  configuration  coopé  ration  é    ments des é  changes relationnels  facteurs transactionnels lié  s au coû  t  coentreprise  Chine
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