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Book reviewed in this artilces:
Export-Oriented Industrialization: The ASEAN Experience . B y M ohamed A riff and H al H ill .
The Singapore Economy: New Directions . R eport of the E conomic C ommittee , M inistry of T rade and I ndustry .
The Cassava Economy of Java . B y W. P. F alcon , W. O. J ones , S. R. P earson and others .
The Small Developing State: Comparing Political Economies in Costa Rica, Singapore and Jamaica . B y D ennis J ohn G ayle .
Development Economics on Trial: An Anthropological Case for the Prosecution . B y P olly H ill .
The Sovereign Entrepreneur: Oil Policies in Advanced and Less Developed Capitalist Countries . B y M errie G ilbert K lapp .
Models of Development: A Comparative Study of Economic Growth in South Korea and Taiwan . E dited B y L awrence J. L au .
The Pacific Century: Economic and Political Consequences of Asian-Pacific Dynamism . B y S taffan B urenstam L inder .
Import Controls and Export-Oriented Development: A Reassessment of the South Korean Case . B y R ichard L uedde -N eurath .
Development in Malaysia: Poverty, Wealth and Trusteeship . B y O zay M ehmet .
Modernization in China - The case of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone . B y K wan -Y iu W ong and D avid K. Y. C hu .
Indonesia: The Rise of Capital . B y R ichard R obison .
Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy . E dited by M. S chmieglow .
Fiscal Issues in South-East Asia . E dited by P arathasarati S home .
Industrialization Policies and Regional Economic Development in Malaysia . B y D ean S pinanger .
Pacific Growth and Financial Interdependence . E dited B y A ugustine H. H. T an and B asant K apur .
ASEAN - South-Asia Economic Relations . E dited by C. D. W adhva , and M. G. A sher .
Asia's 'Miracle' Economies: Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong . B y J on W oronoff .
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