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Book reviews in this article:
The Chief Accountant in the System of Economic Management. (Glavniyat Schetovoditef v Sistemata na Stopanskoto Upravlenie.) I van D ushanov
The Industrial Relations Act: A Review and Analysis . By A. W. J. T homson and S. R. E ngleman
Unfair Dismissal: How and Why the Law Works . By D udley J ackson
Power Sharing in Industy: A Practical Guide of Emphyee Participation in Company Operations . By I nnis M acbeath
The Interview in Staff Appraisal . By W. E. B everidge
Retraining and Tradition; The Skilled Worker in an Era of Change . By K enneth H all and I sobel M iller
The Development of Japanese Btlsiness 1600–1973 . By J. H irschmeier and T. Y ui
Japanese Private Economic Diplomacy . By W. E. B ryant
Private Enterprise and Public Intervention - The Courtaulds Exterience . By A rthur K night
Elites and Power in British Society . By P hilip S tanworth and A nthony G iddens
Bosses in Britain Business . By F. R. J ervis
Business and the Changing Environment . By R. J oseph M onsen
Changing Hospitals - A report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project . Edited by G eorge F. W ieland and H ilary L eigh
Hospitals: Communications, Choice and Change - The Hospital Internal Communications Project seen from within . Edited by R. W. R evans
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