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Multichannel Shopping Through Nontraditional Retail Formats: Variety-Seeking Behavior With Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations
Authors:Kyoung-Nan Kwon  Dipti Jain
Affiliation:1. College of Business Administration , Ajou University , Suwon, Republic of KoreaKN_KWON@hotmail.com;3. Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Retailing , Michigan State University , East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Abstract:Understanding motivations of multichannel shoppers is critical for retailers, especially in terms of how retailers can best attract shoppers to and orient shoppers across different channel options. Our study thus seeks to understand multichannel shopping through nontraditional retail formats by studying the effects of shoppers' hedonic and utilitarian motives. We used the theory of variety-seeking behavior for conceptualization, and analyzed data from a large-scale U.S. consumer survey. Our findings suggest that both hedonic and utilitarian factors are important predictors of multichannel shopping. Hedonic motivations have more explanatory power for high-level multichannel shopping than for moderate-level multichannel shopping, as compared to non-multichannel shopping.
Keywords:hedonic motivations  multichannel shopping  retail formats  utilitarian motivations  variety-seeking behavior
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