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Book reviewed in this article: Statistiek voor S.P.D., H. J. A. v. D. POST The advanced theory of statistics (Vol. 3), M. G. KENDALL and A. STUART Handbook of tables for probability and statistics, W. H. BEYER The Theory of Probability, B. W. GNEDENKO Elements of Nonparametric Statistics, GOTTFRIED E. NOETHER Elementary Probability, EDWARD O. THORP, Wiley The Design and Analysis of Scientific Experiments, K. C. PENG Scientific inventory management, JOSEPH BUCHAN and ERNEST KOENIGSBERG Time-dependent Results in Storage Theory, N. V. PRABHU Introduction to Operations Research, F. S. HILLIER and G. J. LIEBERMAN Proceedings IBM Scientific computing symposium; Simulation Models and Gaming, IBM Data Processing Division Spatial dispersion of economic activity, H. C. Bos Monopolistic Competition, technical progress and income distribution, J. G. M. HILHORST Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, R. D. MASON, R. D. Irwin De Genormaliseerde Methode van Werkclassiflcatie als Meetinstrument, A. HAZEWINKEL, J. B. Wolters
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