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摘    要:李兴浩的商业逻辑看起来很简单,他相信低成本战略,可以说是中国制造价值观的忠实执行者。李兴浩的办公室很大,一边是铺了实本地板的会客区;一边是办公区,敦实的老板椅后面挂着一幅字:“志存高远”。屋子南边窗子旁放着一个地球仪,正对着大门的书柜上摆着两张他和美国国务卿希拉里的合影。李兴浩给人的第一感觉就是有些张扬,

关 键 词:李兴浩  快乐  低成本战略  商业逻辑  中国制造  执行者  价值观  办公室

Li Xinghao:Simple and Happy
Abstract:"What kind of people am I? Simple and happy," Li Xinghao said with a loud laugh. His life is simple,too,as his only hobby is running his company-Guangdong Chigo Air Conditioning Co.,Ltd. (Chigo),a leading air conditioning (AC) maker in China. And he enjoys his multi-identities as the founder,chairman,CEO and marketing director of Chigo. Li also adopts his easy,happy philosophy in corporate operation. Chigo was established by Li in 1994. As a late comer in the AC industry,Chigo had to break into the market d...
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