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A stochastic dominance analysis of yen carry trades
Authors:Wai Mun Fong
Affiliation:Department of Finance, National University of Singapore, 1 Business Link, Singapore 117592, Singapore
Abstract:Yen carry trades have made headline news for over a decade. We examine the profitability of such trades for the period 2001–2009. Yen carry trades generated high mean returns and Sharpe ratios prior to the recent financial crisis. They continued to outperform major stock markets for the full sample period. Given the non-normality of carry trade returns, we apply non-parametric tests based on stochastic dominance (SD) to evaluate whether the high returns of yen carry trades are compatible with risk as reflected in returns on US and global stock market indices. We apply a general test for SD developed recently by Linton, Maasoumi and Whang (2005) to six currencies as well as portfolios of these currencies. For a large class of risk-averse investors, profits from yen carry trades cannot be attributed to risks.
Keywords:C32   F31   G11   G15
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