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Employment,schooling and productivity growth
Authors:D. P. Broer  W. J. Jansen
Affiliation:(1) Faculty of Economics, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Summary This paper presents an empirical analysis of labour demand and labour productivity growth in The Netherlands. Assuming an aggregate production function with as factors capital and 3 types of labour, distinguished by educational attainment, cost minimization leads to a set of 3 labour demand relations to be estimated on time series data. Using the estimates and the implied elasticities, aggregate labour productivity growth is decomposed into factor substitution, autonomous factors, labour time shortening, economies of scale, utilization rates and the increased educational level of the working population. The contributions of substitution, utilization rates and education appear to be substantial, notably in the seventies.

List of symbols

Variables ai Efficiency index of skill leveli - C production - hi working-time index for skill leveli - gi steady-state growth rate of skill leveli - K capital stock - Li employment volume of skill leveli - Li* desired level of labour skill leveli - p output price - p* desired output price - si* long-run static labour shares in the production value - pk rental price of capital - P index of total factor productivity - Pl index of labour productivity - ui utilization rate of skill leveli - uk utilization rate of capital - wi wage rate for skill leveli - y production volume - yyij Hicks partial elasticities of complementarity - thetai steady-state cost share of skill leveli - thetakBk steady-state cost share of capital - lambdaflf highest level price index in cost function nesting - lambdag4 intermediate level price index in cost function nesting - lambdah4 lowest level price index in cost function nesting - ngri steady-state relative wage share of skill leveli - sgrij Allen partial elasticities of substitutionParameters dil adjustment speed of skill leveli - dp price adjustment speed - M mark-up on marginal costs - ngr scale elasticity of production - agri distribution parameter in cost function,i = 3, g - betai distribution parameter in cost function,i = k, h - gammai distribution parameter in cost function,i =1, 2 - eegri autonomous labour productivity growth for skill leveli - zetai cost share of skill level in base year - zetaf production cost index in base year - xgri hours elasticity in labour efficiency index - sgr group elasticity of substitution betweenL3 and (K, (L1,L2)) - sgrgOg group elasticity of substitution betweenK and (L1,L2) - sgrh6h group elasticity of substitution betweenL1 andL2We would like to thank B. Downey, G.M.M. Gelauff, A. Nieuwenhuis, J.M.M. Ritzen, J.C. Siebrand and an unknown referee for helpful comments on earlier drafts.
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