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The impact of increasing non-agricultural market access on EU demand for imported fish: implications for Lake Victoria chilled fillet exports
Authors:Muhammad   Andrew
Affiliation:Mississippi State University, USA
Abstract:Import demand functions for origin-specific chilled fish filletsto the EU using a Rotterdam-type production model are estimated.Results are used to project the impact of the EU expanding marketaccess to non-African countries. The preference erosion argumentsuggests that the lower tariffs will erode the competitive positionof African countries; however, when the total impact of pricesis considered, expanding preferential access may result in increasedimports from African countries. If tariffs are reduced to zero,the total EU imports are projected to increase by 4.1 per centresulting in a 2.2 per cent increase in chilled fillet importsfrom Lake Victoria.
Keywords:fish   import demand   EU   Lake Victoria   NAMA   Rotterdam model
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