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Optimal Asset Abandonment and Replacement: Tax and Inflation Considerations
Authors:Son-Nan Chen
Affiliation:University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. The author would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments.
The tax and inflation effects on the abandonment and replacement policies are examined for capital assets. The tax effect is shown to defer abandonment for some classes of assets while the asset duration is shortened for others depending on the characteristic of the marginal rates of return of extending asset life. Moreover, inflation may increase or decrease the asset duration depending on the rates of inflation growth of asset nominal cash flows and abandonment value and depending on the relative benefit of asset abandonment. In addition, the Fisher hypothesis of constant real returns relative to anticipated inflation is also examined in the case of asset abandonment and replacement. The results derived for a single cycle of replacement carry over to the replacement policy in an infinite cycle of replacement.
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