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The genesis of the 2008 global financial crisis and challenges to the neoclassical paradigm of finance
Authors:Adam Szyszka
Affiliation:aPoznan University of Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci 10, 61-845 Poznań, Poland
In the first step, this paper briefly discusses the macroeconomic background of the 2008 financial crisis. Next, we take a wider approach and we look at systemic changes that global economics, and financial markets in particular, had undergone. We wonder if these transformations, and their effects so dramatically demonstrated in 2008, give grounds to modify the theoretical background of finance. The neoclassical paradigm might be seen as an idealized normative benchmark. On the other hand, behavioral approach helps explain deviations from this benchmark, however itself it lacks the normative character. We conclude that in contemporary circumstances an interdisciplinary approach is needed in the search for an adequate theory, as the financial world is getting more and more complex and dynamic.
Keywords:JEL classification: G10   G20
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