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Die Öffnung der Versicherungsmärkte bei OECD,EU und WTO — Mühsamer Abschied vom Finanzmarktprotektionismus der Bretton Woods Periode
Authors:Welf Werner
Affiliation:110. International University Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland
The liberalization of international insurance trade has been pursued since 1948 by the OEEC, the EEC, the GATT and its successor organizations the OECD, the EU and the WTO. Modern multilateral trade policy was however not as successful for international insurance trade as it was for international merchandise trade. Significant progress was not made until the 1990s with the EU’s Single Market program. Likewise, negotiations currently being conducted by the WTO on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) have so far not led to any noticeable progress in the international insurance markets. Furthermore, the GATS framework agreement shows weaknesses that are characteristic of the liberalisation efforts of the immediate post-war years.
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