Abstract: | This case addresses the accounting for mergers and acquisitions in Canada. Since January 1, 2011, any new transactions from mergers and acquisitions made by a public company must be recorded in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In the case of a partial acquisitions, two theoretical approaches to accounting is allowed under IFRS 3: the approach of a separate entity and the modified approach of the parent entity. For mergers and acquisitions that occurred before this date, firms could either be early adopters to IFRS or firms could apply the Canadian standards that were allowed at the time of reunification. Under Canadian GAAP (CICA, Chap. 1581), partial acquisitions are accounted for using the approach of the parent entity. Canadian public companies that have chosen to recognize their business combinations which occurred before January 1, 2011, according to the approach of the parent entity, may continue to do so even after the enforcement of IFRS. Thus for years to come, we can see in the financial statements of various Canadian public companies business combinations presented in three different ways: according to the separate entity approach, the parent entity approach and, the modified approach of the parent entity. We also include in the case the U.S. GAAP for mergers and acquisitions. In this case, we strongly draw on an acquisition that actually happened, which we adapted to illustrate the three theoretical approaches to account for mergers and acquisitions. In particular, we have changed the name of the company. |