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Investor perceptions of an auditor’s adverse internal control opinion
Authors:Thomas J. Lopez  Scott D. Vandervelde  Yi-Jing Wu
Affiliation:1. University of South Carolina, 1705 College Street, Columbia, SC 29208, United States;2. Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, United States
In response to recent corporate scandals, Congress passed the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) which, among other things, requires that the auditor render an opinion as to the effectiveness of a company’s system of internal controls. The assumption implicit in this requirement is that the new internal control opinion provides investors with value-relevant information. Our evidence suggests that an adverse audit opinion on internal control over financial reporting provides incremental value-relevant information to investors beyond that contained in the financial statement audit opinion alone. Specifically we find that an adverse audit opinion on internal controls over financial reporting relative to an unqualified opinion is significantly associated with investors assessing a higher risk of financial statement misstatement, higher risk of a future financial statement restatement, higher information asymmetry, lower financial statement transparency, higher risk premium, higher cost of capital, lower sustainability of earnings, and lower earnings predictability. Overall, our empirical results support our hypotheses that the auditor’s opinion on the internal controls over financial reporting provides financial statement users with value-relevant information.
Keywords:Internal control reporting   Audit opinions   Mediation analysis   Perceived earnings quality   Sarbanes&ndash  Oxley
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