Boekbespreking |
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Abstract: | Book reviewed in this article: Mathematical Spectrum De organisatie van de verspreiding van wetenschappelikhe informatie by de maatschappijwetenschappen. Stochastic models for bacteriophage , J. G ani . Probability, a survey of mathematical theory , J. L amperti , W. A. Benjamin. Elementary Statistical Methods , G. B. W etherill . Grundlagen der Spieltheorie , N. N. V orobjoff . Elements of Probability and Statistics , E lmer B. M ode . Formulaire pour le calcul opbrationnel , V. A. D itkin and A. P. P rudnikov . Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function , K arl P earson . Draft Report on The Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 , A. van W ijngaarden (editor). B. J. M ailloux , J. E. L. P eck , C. H. A. K oster . Grundlagen der Wabrscheinlichlrettsrectsreebnung und Statistik sowie Anwendungen im Operations Research , F ranz W einberg . Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, a study of the Pareto Law , J osef S teindl . Health and Vital Statistics , B. B enjamin . Statistics in social research. An introduction. R obert S. W eiss . Quadratic Programming, Algorithms - Anomalies - Applications , J. C. G. B oot . |
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