Affiliation: | The authors are both from the Department of Business Administration at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. They are much indebted to Uri Ben-Zion, Sudipto Bhattacharya, Michel Crouhy, Pieter Duffhues, Dan Galai, Angelien Kemna, Pieter Moerland, Siegfried Trautmann, Ton Vorst and the participants at the AFFI-Conference, 1991, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium;the Workshop on Share and Bond Derivative Contracts', 1992, in Tilburg;The European Finance Association, 1992, in Lisbon;and The Northern Finance Association, 1992, in Toronto, for helpful comments and suggestions. Special thanks go to Theo Nijman for his detailed comments. Finally they thank Jos Lemmens, Michel van Bremen and Lysanne van der Made for their computational and research assistance. The authors are solely responsible for any remaining errors. |