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Conservative Politicians and Voting on Same‐sex Marriage
Authors:Bj  rn Kauder,Niklas Potrafke
Affiliation:Björn Kauder,Niklas Potrafke
Abstract:We examine whether conservative politicians are less likely to support same‐sex marriage when they run for office in safe rather than in contested districts using new data based on a roll‐call vote in the national German parliament. The results show that the margin of the majority for the incumbent in the previous election was a strong predictor for supporting same‐sex marriage. When the majority increased by a 1 percentage point, the likelihood of voting in favour of same‐sex marriage decreased by around 1.3 percentage points. We conjecture that politicians are election‐motivated – even when submitting roll‐call votes on a matter of conscience.
Keywords:Same‐sex marriage  gay rights  safe districts  vote margins  supermajorities  roll‐call votes
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