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Small firm internationalization through experiential learning: The moderating role of socialization tactics
Authors:Snejina Michailova  Heather I.M. Wilson  
Affiliation:aDepartment of International Business, The University of Auckland Business School, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract:The importance of experiential knowledge for small firm internationalization has been emphasized in the process model of internationalization, the international new venture or born-global frameworks and the management characteristics perspective in the exporting literature. However, none examines in detail under what conditions experiential learning is more important for internationalization. We borrow insights from the socialization tactics literature to theorize how the context, content and social aspects of a foreign sojourn offer different opportunities for the acquisition of experiential knowledge to support the internationalization of small firms. We suggest that socialization tactics moderate the relationship between individual international experiential knowledge and small firm internationalization. We propose that the opportunities for international experiential learning are superior when the socialization context is individual and formal (rather than collective and non-formal), the socialization content is sequential and fixed (rather than random and variable) and when socialization involves serial and investiture (rather than disjunctive and divestiture) social aspects.
Keywords:Small firms   Individual experiential knowledge   International experiential learning   Firm internationalization   Socialization tactics
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