Boekbespreking |
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Abstract: | Book reviewed in this article: Distributions in Statistics, N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz . Probability and Statistical Inference, R ichard G. K rutchkoff . Methoden der Okonometrie, Band I, Lineare Regressionsmodelle, P eter S chönfeld , Franz Vahlen. Verkehrsökonometrie, K. J. R ichter . Stochastic Convergence, E. L ukacs , D. C. Heath & Cy., Lexington. New Developments in Survey Sampling. The Single Server Queue, J. W. C ohen . Monopoly with Random Demand, A. L. H empenius . On regular variation and its application to the weak convergence of sample extremes by L. de H aan . Angewandte Statistik, Erster Teil, Eindimensionale Probleme, K urt S tance . Order Statistics, H. A. D avid . Rank Order Probabilities (Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives), R oy C. M ilton . Statistical models and their experimental application, P. O ttestad . Statistische Methoden, Eln Soforthelfer, L othar S achs . |
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