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Values as determinants of motivation: Tourism and other career choices
Authors:Yoram Neuman  Abraham Pizam  Arie Reichel
Affiliation:Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel;University of Massachusetts, USA;New York University, USA
Abstract:Neuman, Yoram, Abraham Pizam and Arie Reichel, Values as Determinants of Motivation: Tourism and Other Career Choices. Annals of Tourism Research 1980, VII (3): 428–442. This study examined the predictive validity of work values in explaining motivational patterns of three groups of career preparation differing in their occupational specificity: Tourism/Hospitality, Management, and Liberal Arts. It was found that the higher the occupational specificity of a career preparation the higher is the predictive validity of work values in explaining work motivations. As predicted, the best relationships between values and motivation was found in the maximally specified occupation, namely: tourism/hospitality students, followed by management students with the liberal arts students — the most flexible occupational group — having the lowest relationship between values and motivation. The implications of the findings for employee selection and motivation prediction in the tourism/hospitality industry are discussed.
Keywords:work values  motivation  occupational specificity  career choice  tourism students  valeurs du travail  motivation  spécificité occupationnelle  choix de carriére  étudiants en tourisme
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