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Economic growth drag in the Central China: evidence from a panel analysis
Authors:Yaobin Liu
Affiliation:1. School of Economics and Management , Nanchang University , Nanjing East Road, Nanchang 330031 , PR China;2. State Innovative Institute for Public Management and Public Policy , Fudan University , Handuan Road, Shanghai 200433 , PR China;3. China Data Center , The University of Michigan , 1007 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor 48104 , USA liuyaobin2003@163.com
Abstract:This article employs recently developed panel methods to test for unit roots, cointegration and Granger causality to justify and estimate the drag induced by resource constraint and environmental pollution for the Central China. The results of the panel cointegration test show that there is a stable long run relationship amongst total output, capital, labour, land, water and SO2 when total output is the dependent variable. The results of the causality test with Error Correction Model (ECM) analysis suggest that the available water resource and environmental pollutant have no impacts on total output temporarily, but in the long‐run there is a Granger causality running from these variables to total output, indicating the economic growth drag induced by the natural resource and environmental pollution can be further estimated. Given the stable cointegration and significant Granger causality being, the study shows that the drag on the total output reduces annual economic growth rate by about 1.1 percentage points for the Central China as a whole and there is a significant difference on the aggregated and disaggregated drags for the six provinces, which indicates that natural resource and environmental constraints so far incorporated into production probably have a modest effect over the past 31 years for the Central China.
Keywords:economic growth drag  neoclassical growth model  panel cointegration  panel causality test  the Central China
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