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Job Classification for the Purpose of Making Optimal Decisions Concerning Management Control
Authors:Marta Peris‐Ortiz,Carlos Rueda‐Armengot,Ignacio Gil Pechu  n
Abstract:The job classification literature has been dominated by a micro‐level orientation reflective of the needs of specialists in human resources. In contrast, we take a multidisciplinary approach involving both micro‐ and macro‐level variables to propose a relatively simple system comprised of four job classes. Our model isintended to inform management as to the type and mix of controls (e.g., centralization, formalization, and various human resources policies) that could be applied to different job types to optimally promote the overall goals of the organization. Fuzzy numbers analysis is employed to illustrate the application of the system using four jobs in a car dealership in Spain. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:characteristics of work  mapping work  work design  innovation  fuzzy techniques  caracté  ristiques du travail  carte des types de travail  conception du travail  innovation  techniques floues
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