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Equity in job accessibility and environmental quality in a segmented housing market: The case of Greater London
Affiliation:1. School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, 510006, PR China;2. Guangdong Engineering Research Centre for Metal Cladding and Roofing System (GDERC-MCRS), 510006, PR China;3. Zhuhai Envete Engineering Testing Co., LTD, 519000, PR China;4. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom
Abstract:Job accessibility and environmental quality are rarely equally distributed in spatial and/or social dimensions within metropolitan regions. Availability of these affects the quality of residential locations, and can be expected to be capitalised into house prices. For prospective house owners, their options will be limited to sub housing markets within certain price bands depending on their available housing budgets. Availability and marginal prices of job accessibility and environmental quality, as well as trade-offs between them, might be different between these submarkets. Using Greater London as the case metropolitan region, this study explored such differences, to shed light on the role of housing market in equity and/or inequity in job accessibility, environmental quality and their interactions. Results of this study show that lower-price submarkets have advantages in job accessibility in terms of marginal price, but are disadvantaged in terms of availability. Differences are more mixed in marginal price and availability between the submarkets for environmental quality. When balancing job accessibility and environmental quality within constrained housing budgets, households in lower-price submarkets would find it relatively easier to gain job accessibility with less sacrifice on environmental quality as compared to those searching in higher-price submarkets, but hard to reach the higher levels of job accessibility that are mainly reserved for the higher-price submarkets.
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