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A test of the Ohlson (1995) model: Empirical evidence from Japan
Authors:Koji Ota
Affiliation:Department of Commerce, Burgmann College, Kansai University Graduate School, GPO Box 1345, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Abstract:This paper investigates the validity of the Ohlson [Contemp. Account. Res. 11 (1995) 661] information dynamics (Linear Information Model: LIM) and attempts to improve the LIM. The difficulty concerning the empirical tests of the LIM lies in identifying νt, which denotes information other than abnormal earnings. Recent papers, such as those of Myers [Account. Rev. 74 (1999) 1], Hand and Landsman [The pricing of dividends in equity valuation. Working paper, University of North Carolina, 1999], and Barth et al. [Accruals, cash flows, and equity values. Working paper (January) (July), Stanford University, 1999], all try to specify νt by using various accounting information. Instead of tackling this difficult task, this paper focuses on serial correlation in the error terms caused by omitting the necessary variable νt from the regression equation. The results indicate that adjustment for serial correlation leads to an improvement of the LIM.
Keywords:Ohlson (1995) model   Information dynamics   Other information νt   Serial correlation   Durbin's alternative test   GLS
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