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作者姓名:严学锋  馨雅  孙一枚  胡刚  季双容
摘    要:<正>从最初的小小湘菜馆,到现在的湘鄂情股份有限公司,孟凯迷茫过,犹豫过,为了把公司带上更大的舞台,他没有放弃,就算是在最艰难的时刻,他也一个人坚持住了。在3倍工资的诱惑下,21岁的黄寒带着20多人集体"离家出走"。那是2001年夏天。然而转眼就到了严冬,跳槽受挫的黄寒就动了回巢的念头——自己丢了工作不要紧,但带走的人没着落了。她壮着胆子给老板孟凯打电话,直陈自己犯了错误,20多人没去处,能不能回?北京湘鄂情股份有限公司的这位创始人、董事长电话中只说了一

关 键 词:股份有限公司  离家出走  中式餐饮  资本市场  北京  菜馆  创始人  深圳  董事长  回巢

The Meng Kai Story: From Four Tables to 1.9 billion yuan
Abstract:Meng Kai, who comes from Hubei Province and is now over 40 years old, has been engaged in the catering business for nearly 20 years. Meng started his business from a street food stall with only 4 tables. As Meng’s wife is from Hunan Province, they named the restaurant they ran as X.E. Flavour, which was listed for IPO at Shenzhen Exchange Stock SMSE Market. Though Meng has only technical secondary school education, he has rich experience in doing business. X.E.Flavour purchased Beijing LongDeHua Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. with 80 million yuan on July 6, 2012, starting its group meal providing business. LongDeHua has nearly 30 large and medium-sized group meal clients, and the number is estimated to exceed 40 this year. Huawei is one of its clients. X.E.Flavour will be consisting of four money-making business departments in the future. The first one is the traditional Chinese-style catering service as represented by X.E.Flavour, the second one is the fast food as represented by Wishdoing, the third one is the group meal business as represented by LongDeHua, and the fourth one is food processing department. Meng Kai said that X.E.Flavour will gradually reduce the high-end catering business to raise the risk-resistance and to further promote its brand value.
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