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Asymptotic results and tests for the choice of approximative models in nonlinear two-phases regression models, heteroscedatic case
Authors:F. Brodeau
Affiliation:(1) Université Sciences Sociales Grenoble, F-38041 Grenoble, France, FR
Abstract:This paper is devoted to the study of the least squares estimator of f for the classical, fixed design, nonlinear model X (t i)=f(t i)+ε(t i), i=1,2,…,n, where the (ε(t i))i=1,…,n are independent second order r.v.. The estimation of f is based upon a given parametric form. In Brodeau (1993) this subject has been studied in the homoscedastic case. This time we assume that the ε(t i) have non constant and unknown variances σ2(t i). Our main goal is to develop two statistical tests, one for testing that f belongs to a given class of functions possibly discontinuous in their first derivative, and another for comparing two such classes. The fundamental tool is an approximation of the elements of these classes by more regular functions, which leads to asymptotic properties of estimators based on the least squares estimator of the unknown parameters. We point out that Neubauer and Zwanzig (1995) have obtained interesting results for connected subjects by using the same technique of approximation. Received: February 1996
Keywords:: Nonlinear regression  homoscedastic model  least squares estimator  asymptotic properties  goodness-of-fit test  comparison test
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