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A Formal Study of Distributed Meeting Scheduling
Authors:Sandip Sen  Edmund H. Durfee
Affiliation:(1) Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, University of Tulsa, 600 South College Avenue, Tulsa, UK, 74104-3189;(2) Department of EECS, University of Michigan, 1101 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
Abstract:Automating routine organizational tasks, such as meeting scheduling, requires a careful balance between the individual (respecting his or her privacy and personal preferences) and the organization (making efficient use of time and other resources). We argue that meeting scheduling is an inherently distributed process, and that negotiating over meetings can be viewed as a distributed search process. Keeping the process tractable requires introducing heuristics to guide distributed schedulers' decisions about what information to exchange and whether or not to propose the same tentative time for several meetings. While we have intuitions about how such heuristics could affect scheduling performance and efficiency, verifying these intuitions requires a more formal model of the meeting schedule problem and process. We present our preliminary work toward this goal, as well as experimental results that validate some of the predictions of our formal model. We also investigate scheduling in overconstrained situations, namely, scheduling of high priority meetings at short notice, which requires cancellation and rescheduling of previously scheduled meetings. Our model provides a springboard into deeper investigations of important issues in distributed artificial intelligence as well, and we outline our ongoing work in this direction.
Keywords:meeting scheduling  intelligent agents  distributed AI  probabilistic model  discrete event simulation
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