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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article: The generation of random variates, T. G. Newman en P. L. Odell General applied statistics, F. H. Zuwaylif , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusets, 1st. edition, 1970, viii311 pp; prijs 3.75, ongeveer f 25, 70. Multivariate data analysis, William W. Cooley and Paul R. Lohnes , John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York-London, 1st. edition, 1971, xii + 364 pp., prijs 4, 50, ongeveer f 41,—. Wahcheinlichkeitstheorie, Walter Vogel , Mathematischer Lehrbucher, Band XXII, Vanden-hoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1970, 385 blz., D.M. 52,—. Grondbegrippen van de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening, Fabius , J. en W. R. van Zwet . Uitgegeven door Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam, 1970, 154 blz., prijs f 16,—. Principles of statistical techniques, second edition, P. G. Moore , Cambridge University Press, 1969, 288 blz., 2.25. Statistische Auswertungsmethoden, Lothar Sachs , Springer, Berlijn etc., 3e druk 1972, 545 pp., D.M. 58,—. Linear models, S. R. Searle , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, London, le druk, 1971, xxiv + 532 pp., prijs 19.95, ca. f 88, W. Truncation of long-term decision models, A. Kunstman , Rotterdam, University Press, 1971, 135 blz., prijs f 33.65. The foundations of statistical inference, L. J. Savage and other contributors. Second Impression, A discussion; London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1970, 112 blz., prijs f 22,—. Probability and statistics, Harry Lass and Peter Gottlieb , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Philippines, 1971, IX+470p. RusPian-English/English-Russian. Glossary of statistical terms, door Samuel Kotz , Oliver and Boyd, 1972, prijs 3.—. Gambling for existence. A discussion of some theoretical problems in animal population ecology. J. Reddingius . E. J. Brill, Leiden 1971 (acta biotheoretica, supplementum primum) 208 blz. Statistical methods in medical research, P. Armitage , Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1971, 504 pag. Preservation of infinite divisibility under mixing and related topics, by F. W. Steutel (Math. Centre tracts, 33) Math, Centrum Amsterdam, 1970, 99 pagina's.
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