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Book reviewed in this article:
Introductory Mathematical Statistics Principles and Methods, E rwin K reyszig .
Choice against Chance: An introduction to statistical decision theory, J ohn A itchison .
Calcul des probabilités et introduction aux processus aléatoires, A. T ortrat .
Selected Quantitative Techniques and Attitude Measurement, F. M osteller , R. R. B ush & B. F. G reen .
Models in regression and related topics, P. S prent .
Zes intresttafels, J. J. M. M ichels en A. J. van R eeken .
Production and income relations in the Netherlands, J. H. F. S childerinck and H. J. N. S inner .
Experimental design; selected papers of F rank Y ates .
Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference, Proceedings of the first international symposium on nonparametric techniques held at Indiana University, June 1969; edited by M. L. P uri .
Distributions in Statistics, Vol. I: Discrete Distributions, Vol. II en III: Continuous univariate distributions 1 en 2. N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .
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