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A qualitative analysis of factors associated with user acceptance and rejection of a new workplace information system in the public sector: a conceptual model
Authors:Jamal Ouadahi
Abstract:This study examines the factors that lead employees to endorse or resist the introduction of a new information system (IS). Findings suggest that attitudes toward adopting IS are related to psychological characteristics of the potential adopters, including, open‐mindedness, self‐efficacy, interest in the information and communication technology, and time remaining before retirement. Also figuring prominently in influencing attitudes are the end‐users' perceptions and expectations with respect to project management, IS quality, IS usefulness, and its effects on organizational positions, work organization, performance, skills, jobs, and worker health. Finally, user attitudes also relate to features of change management practices, including leadership, training, support, recognition, communication, and participation. An integrative conceptual model of IS user adoption is proposed and suggestions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:JEL Classifications: O33, O15  information system endorsement  attitude  change management  public sector  systè  me d'information  adhé  sion  attitude  gestion du changement  secteur public
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