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Arbitrage, Risk Premium, and Cointegration Tests of the Efficiency of Futures Markets
Authors:Ying-Foon Chow
Affiliation:Chinese University of Hong Kong
Abstract:This article provides a new perspective on the efficiency of futures markets in a cointegration framework. Under the conventional risk premium hypothesis, if futures and spot prices are non-stationary, they must be cointegrated if futures markets are efficient. Alternatively, the cost-of-carry model implies that there should be a cointegration relationship among spot prices, futures prices and interest rates assuming all the series contain a unit root. Market efficiency further implies specific parameter restrictions under these two models. Using data on the futures markets for gold, silver, palladium and platinum, this article first establishes that interest rates, spot and futures prices are unit root non-stationary. The evidence on cointegration is somewhat mixed: the gold futures market is consistent with the cost-of-carry model, and the silver futures market satisfies the risk premium hypothesis, but the evidence for the other two markets is inconclusive.
Keywords:cointegration    cost-of-carry model    market efficiency    risk premium
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