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引用本文:苏 丽,董建文,郑 宇. 乡村景观营建中公众参与式设计的评价指标体系构建研究[J]. 技术经济, 2019, 35(12): 101
作者姓名:苏 丽  董建文  郑 宇
摘    要:乡村景观的营建中,既要师法自然,遵从自然规律;又要师法于人,注重人的使用需求。通过问卷访谈法、德尔菲法和层次分析法、案例分析法,根据乡村景观营建中公众(活跃群体、资源群体、专业群体、弱势群体)需求情况,针对公众在方案规划与公示阶段的参与行为,构建了乡村景观营建中的公众参与式设计的评价指标体系,并以实际案例对评价指标体系进行了运用检验。评价指标体系包括美景度、实用性、可行性3个一级指标,10个二级指标和29个三级指标。3个一级指标的权重排序为:实用性(0.637 0)>可行性(0.258 3)>美景度(0.104 7)。指标体系在实际案例中运用效果良好。此评价指标体系为乡村景观营建中公众参与规划设计方案的评价筛选提供了科学依据。

关 键 词:风景园林  乡村景观  公众参与  评价指标体系

The Research on the Construction of the Evaluation System on Public Participation in Design at Rural Landscape
SU Li,DONG Jianwen and ZHENG Yu. The Research on the Construction of the Evaluation System on Public Participation in Design at Rural Landscape[J]. Technology Economics, 2019, 35(12): 101
Authors:SU Li  DONG Jianwen  ZHENG Yu
Abstract:It is necessary to comply with the laws of nature and respect for the human needs in the construction of rural landscape. According to the public (active groups, resource groups, professional groups, and vulnerable groups) demand in rural landscape construction, it builds the evaluation index system of public participation in rural landscape construction in the stage of "program planning and publicity" with the methods of questionnaire interviews, Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process, and case analysis. The evaluation index system was tested by actual cases. The evaluation index system of public participation in rural landscape design includes 3 levels: the first level includes "scenic beauty", "plan practicality", and "feasibility", the secondary levels includes 10 indicators, and the third level includes 29 indicators. The weight sorting of the 3 first level indicators is: usefulness (0.637 0)> feasibility (0.258 3)> scenic beauty (0.104 7). The indicator system works well in actual cases. The evaluation index system provides a scientific basis for the evaluation and screening of public participation planning and design programs in rural landscape construction.
Keywords:landscape architecture   rural landscape   public participation   evaluation system
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