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Would You Like to be a Prosumer? Information Revelation,Personalization and Price Discrimination in Electronic Markets
Authors:Martin Bandulet  Karl Morasch
Affiliation:1. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakult?t , Universit?t Augsburg , D‐86135 Augsburg , Germany E-mail: martin.bandulet@wiwi.uni‐augsburg.de;2. Fakult?t für Wirtschafts‐ und Organisationswissenschaften , Universit?t der Bundeswehr München , D‐85577 Neubiberg , Germany E-mail: karl.morasch@unibw‐muenchen.de
Electronic commerce and flexible manufacturing allow personalization of initially standardized products at low cost. Will customers provide the information necessary for personalization? Assuming that a consumer can control the amount of information revealed, we analyze how her decision interacts with the pricing strategy of a monopolist who may abuse the information to obtain a larger share of total surplus. We consider two scenarios, one where consumers have different tastes but identical willingness to pay and another with high and low valuation customers. In both cases full revelation may only result if the monopolist can commit to a maximum price before consumers decide about disclosure.
Keywords:E‐Commerce  Personalization  Asymmetric Information  Price Discrimination  JEL Classifications: D42, D82, L14
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