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Time-consistent linear taxation and redistribution in an overlapping-generations framework
Authors:Michel, Philippe   Paul, Thierry
Affiliation:"*"IUF, GREQAM, Université de la Méditerranée
"{dagger}"GREQAM, IDEP, Université de la Méditerranée, 2 rue de la Charité, Centre de la Vieille Charité, 13002 Marseille, France; email: tpaul{at}univ-aix.fr
Abstract:We study time-consistent labour and capital income linear taxationusing an infinite-horizon overlapping-generations model of asmall open economy. Individuals have different productivitiesand the government intervenes for purely redistributive purposes.The study of time-consistent taxation requires the introductionof borrowing restrictions in the economy. We characterize thetime-consistent solution and consider alternative solutionsbased on a simple tax rule. We demonstrate the existence andthe uniqueness of the time-consistent solution using a log-linearutility function. We provide numerical comparisons between time-consistentand time-inconsistent linear taxation: the importance of beingable to make commitment decreases when the differences betweenindividuals increase.
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