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引用本文:李晓嘉. 财政支农支出与农业经济增长方式的关系研究——基于省际面板数据的实证分析[J]. 经济问题, 2012, 0(1): 68-72
摘    要:基于我国1978~2009年间的省际动态面板数据,估计了中国28个省份农业TFP变动情况,然后考察了1978~2006年间我国政府财政支农支出的总量和结构对农业TFP的影响。研究表明,1978年以来我国政府财政支农支出总体上提升了TFP,其中经济性支出比社会性和转移性支出对TFP有更大的提升作用。此外不同性质的支出项目对TFP的拉动效应在区域间存在着较大差异。

关 键 词:财政支农支出  经济增长方式  要素生产率  动态面板数据模型

A Study on Relation between Fiscal Agriculture Expenditure and Economic Growth Mode Transformation --Dynamic Effect Analysis on Provincial Panel Data
LI Xiao-jia. A Study on Relation between Fiscal Agriculture Expenditure and Economic Growth Mode Transformation --Dynamic Effect Analysis on Provincial Panel Data[J]. On Economic Problems, 2012, 0(1): 68-72
Authors:LI Xiao-jia
Affiliation:LI Xiao-jia(School of Public & Administration,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China)
Abstract:By using China’s provincial panel data from 1978 to 2009,this paper has done empirical analysis on the dynamic effect of fiscal agriculture expenditure on total factor productivity(TFP).The result shows that fiscal agriculture expenditure has a positive correlation with TFP.Economic expenditure has a greater effect of TFP than social and transfer expenditure in the long run.And the effects of fiscal agriculture expenditure on TFP are different in different parts of China.
Keywords:fiscal agriculture expenditure  economic growth mode  total factor productivity  dynamic panel data model
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