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Parametric characterizations of risk aversion and prudence
Authors:Fatma Lajeri  Lars Tyge Nielsen
Affiliation:(1) Kocc--> University, Istinye, 80860 Istanbul, TURKEY, (e-mail: flajeri@ku.edu.tr) , TR;(2) INSEAD, Boulevard de Constance, F-77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, FRANCE (e-mail: lars.nielsen@insead.fr) , FR
Abstract:Summary. Our first main result says that whether one decision maker is more risk averse than another can be determined from their attitudes toward a given two-parameter family of risks. When all risks belong to this family, risk aversion can be compared even when initial wealth is random. Our second main result solves a long-standing problem in mean-variance analysis: what is the interpretation of the concavity of utility as a function of mean and variance? We show that in the case of normal distributions, this utility function is concave if and only if the agent has decreasing prudence. Received: July 29, 1996; revised: October 2, 1998
Keywords:and Phrases:Risk aversion   Prudence.
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