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引用本文:傅勇,谭松涛. 股权分置改革中的机构合谋与内幕交易[J]. 金融研究, 2008, 0(3): 88-102
作者姓名:傅勇  谭松涛
摘    要:本文考察了股权分置改革过程中机构投资者与非流通股股东之间的合谋问题以及合谋的可能途径——内幕交易。文章的基本发现有两个:第一,在控制了影响股改对价水平的主要因素之后,机构投资者对方案的赞成比例与股改对价水平之间存在显著的负相关关系,而全体流通股股东以及大个体流通股股东对方案的赞成比例与对价水平之间呈现显著的正相关关系;第二,机构投资者对方案的赞成比例越高,公司的内幕交易程度也越高,而其他流通股股东的表决意见与内幕交易程度之间没有显著关系。这意味着机构投资者与非流通股股东利用内幕交易进行了合谋,合谋的结果使得非流通股股东得以支付一个较低的对价水平,而机构投资者则通过内幕交易获得额外收益。

关 键 词:机构合谋  内幕交易  股权分置改革

On the Strategic Alignment and Insider Trading in Non-tradable Share Market
Fu Yong Tang Songtao. On the Strategic Alignment and Insider Trading in Non-tradable Share Market[J]. Journal of Financial Research, 2008, 0(3): 88-102
Authors:Fu Yong Tang Songtao
Abstract:Based on the tradable shareholders' voting data on the consideration ratio in the non-tradable share reform in China,this paper investigates the relation between shareholders' voting behavior and the companies' final consideration ratio.The results suggest that the institutional investors might align themselves with the non- tradable shareholders of the company.Insider trading might be a way to fulfill this alignment.
Keywords:strategic alignment  insider trading  non-tradable share reform  
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