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The Impact of the Welfare State and Social Policy on the Working Population: The Recent British Experience
Authors:Reza Fazeli  Rafat Fazeli
Affiliation:(1) Department of Economics, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, USA;(2) Department of Economics, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA 92373, USA;(3) 7711 E. Margaret Drive, Anaheim, CA 92808, USA
Abstract:This paper focuses on financing the welfare state expenditures in the UK. It offers a comprehensive analysis of social expenditures and taxes paid by the working population families, and an estimation of the net benefits received by them. While the subsequent analysis of the welfare state and its development primarily concentrates on the British experience, it has a broader application to other OECD countries. The UK as the most egalitarian “liberal market economy,” offers an interesting case for the study of the interaction between the welfare state expansion and economic growth. In terms of her capitalist economic structure, (interaction between market and economy) she is relatively closer to the USA and other Angelo-Saxon (liberal market) economies. In terms of her level of social expenditures, she is much closer to the European “social market economies” than the USA and other more egalitarian “liberal market economies.”
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