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Foreign direct investment and the euro: the first five years
Authors:Taylor   Christopher
Affiliation:* National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Abstract:This paper assesses the main influences on foreign direct investment(FDI) flows between the major economies in the first five yearsof economic and monetary union (EMU). Using previously unpublisheddata specially provided by Eurostat, it concludes that the hugewave of FDI that reached the Eurozone after EMU was largelya manifestation of the end-of-century takeover boom, a globalphenomenon of which the euro was only a subsidiary cause. Butmuch of the boom in euro economies' FDI disappears if flowsto and from the Belgium–Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU)(dominated by transhipment via Luxembourg) are removed. On thatbasis, intra-zone FDI turns out to have been weak after EMU,both in relation to previous trends and as a share of majoreconomies' global FDI flows. However, the euro appears to havegiven a modest stimulus to inflows from other major investingeconomies, while the UK share of the latters' outflows has fallenmoderately in the post-EMU period. The policy implications arediscussed.
Keywords:Euro    Eurozone    EMU    FDI    BLEU    Mergers and acquisitions
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