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引用本文:俞宪忠. 对劳动密集型战略的理论质疑[J]. 财经科学, 2010, 0(4): 58-65
摘    要:面对中国具有无限供给特征的劳动力资源,很多经济学家通常具有劳动密集型战略发展的偏好,误认为技术集约与充分就业负相关,从而坚持劳动密集型战略有利于发挥劳动成本优势和实现充分就业等不当主张。而事实上劳动密集型战略面临着技术和效率两方面日益强化的刚性约束,不是劳动密集型而是技术集约型战略将会长期促进充分就业和提升中国经济长期竞争力,而劳动密集型战略则内涵了诸多的负面效应,中国高就业压力的根源也另有所在。中国应采取科技密集和创新主导的集约式经济发展战略,以此作为持续提升中国经济核心竞争力和实现充分就业的根本创新路径。

关 键 词:劳动密集  竞争优势  充分就业  发展战略

The Doubt on The Theory of Labor Intensive Strategy
Yu Xianzhong. The Doubt on The Theory of Labor Intensive Strategy[J]. Finance and Economics, 2010, 0(4): 58-65
Authors:Yu Xianzhong
Abstract:Considering the unlimited supply of Chinese labor force,most of the economists prefer the development of labor intensive strategy; they believe technology is negative factor in fully employment. They argue that the labor intensive development strategy is the perfect idea to take advantage of labor cost and achieve the fully employment. The authors suggest that the labor intensive industry restricted by technology and efficiency,not labor intensive strategy but technology intensive strategy beneficial to lon...
Keywords:Labor Intensive  Competitive Advantage  Full Employment  Development Strategy  
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