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引用本文:迟艳杰. 论直观教学原则的现代三重意义[J]. 甘肃省经济管理干部学院学报, 2009, 0(4)
摘    要:当代所要求的人才素质以及教学实践的发展,丰富了直观教学原则的内涵,即在原有增强感性认识以理解抽象事物基础上,还要培养学生的直觉思维和想象能力。现代西方哲学的研究成果以及"教学即研究"时代观念,又赋予了直观教学原则以教学研究方法论的意义。在历史的继承与时代的创新中,直观教学原则具有了现代三重意义。

关 键 词:直观教学原则  直觉思维  想象力  教学研究方法论

On Three Kinds of Modern Meanings about Principle of Intuition
Abstract:Principle of intuition is enriched by both quality of modern person and teaching practice,which it means cultivating intuitive thinking and imagination of students in addition to strengthening perceptual knowledge for understanding abstract subjects.The principle is having new meaning for methodology of teaching research,which it bases on both the development of modern western philosophy and the view of "teaching as research".Now the principle of intuition has three kinds of modern meanings on account of historic and modern creation.
Keywords:principle of intuition  intuitive thinking  imagination  methodology of teaching research
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