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作者姓名:刘文俭  李光全  李勇军
摘    要:青岛市第十一次党代会围绕"加快建设宜居幸福的现代化国际城市"的目标,提出着力优化空间布局,推动城市品质实现新提升。要瞄准建设宜居幸福现代化国际城市的目标,对照世界知名湾区城市标准,继续拓展、深化和提升"环湾保护、拥湾发展"战略,全域统筹、三城联动、轴带展开、生态间隔、组团发展,拉开城市空间发展大框架,加快建设组团式、生态化的海湾型大都市,让青岛真正具有国内领先、世界知名的大城市品质。中共青岛市委对城市发展空间布局作出的这一战略调整,其核心内容在于"三城联动":就是以胶州湾为核心,东岸老城区重在做优做美,延续青岛百年历史文脉,彰显山海城特色,着力加快城区改造提质和内涵式发展;西岸城区重在做大做强,着力加快城区扩容,打造海洋经济特色鲜明的新区;北岸城区重在做高做新,有效整合周边区域,合理确定城区规模、开发强度和开发时序,高水平打造科技型、生态型、人文型新城区,有效疏解老城区发展瓶颈。不仅明确了东岸、西岸、北岸三大主城区建设的发展定位,也强调了三者将形成功能互补、相互依托、各具特色的都市区,成为大青岛的核心区域。这无疑会带来城市的跨越式发展。

关 键 词:青岛市  老城区  空间布局  城市发展  高新区  胶州湾  发展定位  联动  城市品质  核心内容

The Linkage of Three Downtown Areas of Qingdao
Abstract:Centering around the goal of speeding up constructing a modern international city suitable for inhabitation,the 11th Qingdao CPC Municipal Congress has put forward the plan of improving the urban space and layout and promoting city quality.The urban space layout of Qingdao lays stress on the linkage of three downtown areas.Taking the Jiaozhou Bay as the core,the old downtown area in the eastern coast will continue Qingdao’s hundred-year historic culture to showcase the special characteristics of mountain,sea and city.The western coast area will lay stress on extension of the urban areas to build up a new area with ocean characteristics.The northern coastal area will be built into a sci-tech,ecological and cultural area.This linkage not only makes the development orientations of the three areas clear,but also lays stress on their complementary functions,thus turning them into Qingdao’s core areas,which will bring about leap-forward development for the city.
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