Abstract: | The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Spring at last. Here in Montreal, the transition from winteris particularly delicious. There is more light, the world looksless grey, and the trepidation that another storm may be aroundthe corner is put away with the winter tires. In this issueof JFEC, the editors appear to be underscoring seasonal changein an issue whose unifying theme involves parameter and modelstability. Parameter stability is an important issue in econometrics. Achanging economic environment may be captured by allowing theparameters of a reduced form model to vary to reflect changingconditions. The challenge for the econometrician is to constructmodels that do more than reflect changes in an ad hoc manner.For want of more insightful approaches, the challenge is oftensidestepped in practice by focusing on shorter samples whereno structural change can be assumed to have occurred. However,in so constricting the sample size, . . . [Full Text of this Article] |