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The Growing Relationship Between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment, and Aid Links
Authors:Zafar   Ali
Abstract:China's economic ascendance over the past two decades has generatedripple effects in the world economy. Its search for naturalresources to satisfy the demands of industrialization has ledit to Sub-Saharan Africa. Trade between China and Africa in2006 totaled more than $50 billion, with Chinese companies importingoil from Angola and Sudan, timber from Central Africa, and copperfrom Zambia. Demand from China has contributed to an upwardswing in prices, particularly for oil and metals from Africa,and has given a boost to real GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa. Chineseaid and investment in infrastructure are bringing desperatelyneeded capital to the continent. At the same time, however,strong Chinese demand for oil is contributing to an increasein the import bill for many oil-importing Sub-Saharan Africancountries, and its exports of low-cost textiles, while benefitingAfrican consumers, is threatening to displace local production.China poses a challenge to good governance and macroeconomicmanagement in Africa because of the potential Dutch diseaseimplications of commodity booms. China presents both an opportunityfor Africa to reduce its marginalization from the global economyand a challenge for it to effectively harness the influx ofresources to promote poverty-reducing economic development athome. JEL codes: F01, F35, F41, N55, N57, Q33, Q43
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