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引用本文:王全民. 我国涉外房地产市场存在的问题及发展对策[J]. 中国外资, 2000, 0(4): 19-21
摘    要:<正> 涉外房地产市场是指境外资本参与国内房地产的开发、转让、出租、抵押及房屋买卖等经营活动,是随着我国对外开放的不断深入而产生、发展的。 一、目前我国涉外房地产市场的特点 1.利用外资额稳步增长。由于意识到中国的庞大市场已从潜在变为现实,外商投资也纷纷由试探性的变为实质性的。在近几年房地产开发实际完成的投资额中,1992年外资达7亿美元,1993年则大幅增至22.65亿美元,1994年为41.4亿美元,1995年为53亿美元,1996年为62.2亿美元,1997

关 键 词:房地产地场 涉外房地产市场 中国 发展 特点

Problems of and Solutions to China's Real Estate Market Involvinq Foreign Nationals
Abstract:With the deepening of reform and open policy as well as development of real estate market, it is now an inexorable trend that foreign investors will access China's real estate market. Although this market is achieving considerable development, it encounters many problems demanding prompt solutions. The article delves further into the features and problems of the market and the ways to deal with the situations.
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