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Generalized gauss-chebyshev inequalities for unimodal distributions
Authors:Thomas Sellke
Affiliation:(1) Department of Statistics, Mathematical Sciences Building, Purdue University, 47907-1399 West Lafayette, IN, USA
Letg be an even function on ℝ which is nondecreasing in |x|. Letk be a positive constant. Sharp inequalities relatingP(|X|≥k) toEg(X) are obtained for random variablesX which are unimodal with mode 0, and for random variablesX which are unimodal with unspecified mode. The bounds in the mode 0 case generalize an inequality due to Gauss (1823), whereg(x)=x 2. The bounds in the second case generalize inequalities of Vysochanskiĭ and Petunin (1980, 1983) and Dharmadhikari and Joag-dev (1985).
Keywords:Convexity  Gauss inequality  Chebyshev inequality  Vysochanskiĭ  -Petunin inequality  von Mises inequality  unimodality
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