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The Austrian current account deficit: Driven by twin deficits or by intertemporal expenditure allocation?
Authors:Sylvia Kaufmann  Johann Scharler  Georg Winckler
Affiliation:(1) University of Vienna, Department of Economics, Hohenstaufengasse 9, A-1010 Vienna, and Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Economic Analysis Division, Otto Wagner Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, AT;(2) University of California – Davis, Department of Economics, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616-8578, US;(3) University of Vienna, Department of Economics, Hohenstaufengasse 9, A-1010 Vienna, AT
The evidence presented in the paper rejects the twin deficit hypothesis for the Austrian current account balance during the last two decades. The results are based on an estimate of a vector error correction model including quarterly data for the current account balance and potentially relevant variables driving its dynamics. We compute the variance decomposition of the current account's forecast error and its generalized impulse responses to shocks in the innovations of the system. The results in favor of intertemporal expenditure reallocation cannot be reproduced within a second analysis including the current account and a measure of net output, however. The estimated implicit current account balance, interpreted as the discounted expected change in future net output, does not follow the actual behaviour of the current account. First version received: June 1999/Final version received: March 2001
Keywords:: current account  Mundell-Fleming model  Ricardian equivalence  vector error correction and vector autoregression  variance decomposition  impulse response analysis
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