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Alternative indicators for predicting the probability of declining inflation: evidence from the US
Authors:Kang, Sungjun   Park, Kwangwoo   Ratti, Ronald A.
Affiliation:Address for correspondence: Kwangwoo Park, College of Business Administration, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Korea; email: kpark3{at}cau.ac.kr
Abstract:The performance of inflation indicators for predicting the probabilityof inflation falling inside constant and moving targets is consideredwith a probit model using US data. Given the Federal ReserveSystem's emphasis on achieving price stability, particular attentionis given to the target that future inflation will be below recentinflation. In contrast with earlier years, the unemploymentand capacity utilisation rates do not perform well in forecastingthe direction of inflation in the mid and late 1990s. We suggestthat extending the Keynesian Phillips curve analysis to considerchanges in labour market conditions, technological advance andworker skills, and openness will increase understanding of theseissues.
Keywords:Probit model    Out-of-sample forecast    Inflation targets    Inflation indicators    Keynesian Phillips curve
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