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The phantom of the opera: Cultural amenities, human capital, and regional economic growth
Authors:Oliver Falck  Michael Fritsch  Stephan Heblich
  • a Ifo Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, Poschingerstrasse 5, 81679 Munich, Germany
  • b CESifo, Germany
  • c University of Jena, School of Economics, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 3, 07743 Jena, Germany
  • d DIW, Germany
  • e Max Planck Institute of Economics, Germany
  • f University of Stirling, Division of Economics, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK
  • g IZA, Germany
  • h SERC, UK
  • Abstract:We analyze the extent to which endogenous cultural amenities affect the spatial equilibrium share of high-human-capital employees. To overcome endogeneity, we draw on a quasi-natural experiment in German history and exploit the exogenous spatial distribution of baroque opera houses built as a part of rulers' competition for prestigious cultural sights. Robustness tests confirm our strategy and strengthen the finding that proximity to a baroque opera house significantly affects the spatial equilibrium share of high-human-capital employees. A cross-region growth regression shows that these employees induce local knowledge spillovers and shift a location to a higher growth path.
    Keywords:H41   R11   J24
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